Managing Student Loan Repayment: A Guide to the Basics

Because student loan borrowers usually have little experience making financial decisions, they need to learn how to make and manage their repayment strategy. It’s so important because these decisions will affect your finances for decades! In this course you’ll learn: Repayment strategies and tips to minimize interest fees How to apply for deferments and forbearances Read More

Being Personally Accountable

Accountability allows you to be answerable for your efforts or actions and helps establish a foundation of trust and respect in your personal relationships and at work. This course provides: An understanding of how accountability applies to team building and productivity Tips for cultivating accountability in personal and team scenarios Details about the three types of Read More

FIRE Lifestyle

FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is a movement designed to empower people to take charge of their finances and create a solid plan to retire early. This course provides: An introduction with tips on getting started Insights on creating your retirement goals Resources to help you reach your goals Information on variations of the FIRE Read More

The Guide to Preparing for Graduation

Before graduating from college, develop a plan for where you want to go. This course will help you come up with a roadmap for the future! You will learn about: Taking control of your professional and financial identities Planning on how student loan repayment will impact your budget Aiming for specific financial milestones and goals

Pay for College Using Your Employee Benefits

Get leads on free college, tuition assistance, student loan repayment programs, research tips, and explore employer-funded education programs. In this course, you’ll: Learn about employer-funded education Explore how these programs work. Review the pros and cons of these programs Know what to beware of before making critical decisions Have research skills/tools to find employers offering these Read More

Creating On the Mark Goals

Setting career, education, family, or life goals may be easy but doing ALL the necessary steps to hit a goal bullseye is a bit more complicated. To ensure you hit your target, complete this course and you will have: A better understanding of goal types and characteristics Practice setting preliminary goals Tools to monitor and achieve Read More