Understanding the things that raise or lower your credit score can assist you in reaching your financial goals. Let’s dig in and learn about what is a good credit score is and how your credit score determined. Most importantly, how do you raise and maintain your credit score?
What Is a Credit Score?
A credit score is sometimes referred to as a FICO score, a type of risk measurement created by Fair Isaac Corporation.
Another system measuring your credit score is VantageScore, a credit scoring system developed in 2006 by the three major credit rating agencies; Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. VantageScore is slightly different than FICO and utilizes a weighted average of the consumer’s available credit, recent credit, payment history, credit utilization, depth of credit, and credit balances with additional weight on payment history and credit utilization. The VantageScore credit score ranges are the same as FICO, 300-850. Those two scoring systems have slight differences. Consumers do not have a choice as to which scoring system a lender uses.