Financial Literacy 101

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Our financial literacy course has been created to help you understand the basics of finance and to help you develop or sharpen your skills.

This course will provide you with the knowledge to:
  • Make wise financial decisions
  • Make a realistic budget and prioritize expenses
  • Recognize the differences between good and bad loans
  • Find the best banking options

Where Do You Start?

Perhaps you have been told that you should save money, pay cash for your purchases, stay out of debt, and manage your money. But what if you don’t know where or how to start? What are the major considerations? What are the traps? What if your family was not so good at saving? What if your credit is bad or non-existent? What if you are already swimming in student loans or other debt and have given up trying? 

No matter where you are with your finances, this course will give you pertinent information! We won’t be able to provide you with specific financial advice, but we will give you a great introduction to the basic elements of Financial Literacy 101, so you utilize this knowledge to improve your future financial success rate.